In the first segment of the agenda, Stéphane Malrait, ACI FMA Chairman and Global Head of market structure and innovation for Financial Markets at ING Bank, discussed the evolving landscape of digital assets. Drawing parallels to the historical shift from checks to credit cards, Malrait explored the transformative features that will shape the future of financial markets, with an example such as the implementation of digital bonds. As a key figure in the financial industry, Malrait shed light on how these advancements may redefine market dynamics.
Following this, the agenda transitioned to ESG Investing, with James Gloak, Head of Sustainable ETFs, and Elodie Houalla from BlackRock International. The session aimed to delve into the impact of regulatory changes and shifting consumer preferences on sustainable adoption. As the financial industry navigates the transition to a low-carbon economy, Gloak and Houalla outlined the main drivers influencing ESG investing, providing valuable insights into the current trends and challenges.
Later in the day, the focus turned to the Slovenian Government Bond Market Outlook, featuring the Director General Marjan Divjak of the Treasury Directorate from the Ministry of Finance, Republic of Slovenia. The session gave an introduction into a new program related to public bonds, on top Marjan gave comprehensive overview of the Slovenian bond market outlook.
Continuing with the agenda, the session on the Euro area Macro and ECB Outlook 2024 featured Marchel Alexandrovich, a European Economist and Partner at Saltmarsh Economics. Alexandrovich delved into the significant impact of climate change on the European Central Bank (ECB) and National Central Banks. In a forward-looking analysis, Saltmarsh Economics aimed to assess the ability of sovereigns to absorb the risks associated with climate change. As environmental concerns increasingly shape economic policies, Alexandrovich’s insights provided a nuanced understanding of how climate-related factors may influence the broader economic landscape.
Following the macroeconomic discussion, the agenda concluded to a compelling panel discussion titled ‘ESG challenges in finance.’ This panel, moderated by Primož Cencelj of ACI Slovenia and Modra zavarovalnica, d. d, gathered prominent figures from the financial sector. Marchel Alexandrovich, European Economist and Partner at Saltmarsh Economics, Damjan Kovačič, Senior Fund Manager at Sava Infond d.o.o., Blaž Kandrič, Senior Portfolio Manager at Banka Slovenije, and Roman Rojc, Head of Research and Strategy at SID banka d. d., to collectively explored ESG topics from diverse perspectives. This inclusive panel structure gave us a comprehensive examination of challenges and opportunities in the realm of environmental, social, and governance considerations within the financial domain.
Primož Cencelj, ACI Slovenia Secretary