The purpose of the Global Code is to promote a robust, fair, liquid, open, and appropriately transparent market in which a diverse set of Market Participants, supported by resilient infrastructure, are able to confidently and effectively transact at competitive prices that reflect available market information and in a manner that conforms to acceptable standards of behaviour.

The Global Code does not impose legal or regulatory obligations on Market Participants, nor does it substitute for regulation, but rather it is intended to serve as a supplement to any and all local laws, rules and regulations by identifying global good practices and processes.

Outcomes of the 3 year  review

Download the FX Global Code July 2021


ACI FMA is presenting new Videos, aimed at introducing the Association and our ELAC Portal.

1) ACI FMA ELAC, presenting ACI FMA ELAC Portal.


2) ACI FMA Introduction and ELAC, ACI FMA and the ELAC Portal.

We believe that it is important to continually reinvent ourselves, making and bringing the difference to our community, partners and other stakeholders and we trust that these Videos will become a great asset to our members and to the Financial Markets community as a whole.

ACI FMA, as longstanding proponents and influencers of ethical conduct and good market practices to financial markets professionals, is committed to continue creating synergies that help expand our expertise and the usage of our products globally.