Recent activities of ACI Slovenia

ACI Slovenia is uniquely active in these special times and it does not leave its members without up-to-date awareness of current topics related to financial markets. ACI Slovenia organizes its events on a regular basis, at least once per month. Five virtual events have been successfully launched since November 2020, commencing with the hot topic regarding American elections, which was presented by a well-known political analyst Mr. Marko Balažic just before the actual elections took place.

Thereafter, a highly interesting presentation took place on the topic ECB Policy aims for 2021, held by ACI Slovenia’s frequent speaker and appreciated guest Mr. Marchel Alexandrovich (Jefferies Int. Ltd.).

A noteworthy event that followed was held by Mr. Petter Bryman (Moody’s), who summarized his views under the topic “An overview of Moody’s 2021 sovereign outlook for CEE, including Slovenia”.

The next virtual meeting was unveiled together with long-term partner Mr. Richard McGuire (Rabobank), who presented the possible scenarios of economic development after the Covid-19 crisis, with his attractive way of presentation and, as always, impressed the members of ACI Slovenia with his charisma.

With the last virtual presentation, ACI Slovenia decided to step out of its comfort zone and offered other ACI associations across the region to participate with a kind help of the new president of ACI Europe Branko Petrović and ACI FMA Director of Education Rui Correira. That proved to be triumphant as well.

The right choice of content, namely the global outlook presented by Mr. Scott Thiel, Chief Fixed Income Strategist of the BlackRock Investment Institute, and the investments in ESG projects presented by Mrs. Manuela Sperandeo and Mr. Richard Steel from BlackRock, turned out – without any doubt as the arrow in the bull’s-eye! More than 135 ACI members from 48 institutions from the entire Balkan region participated. The widespread involvement was by any means invoked by the presentation holder, the US multinational investment management corporation, BlackRock, Inc. All the diversity of participants from Serbia, Croatia, Macedonia, Montenegro and Slovenia, of course, was also possible due to the strong and good cooperation with ACI FMA, which provided all the technical and logistic support and delivered inspiring closing remarks.

The responses from the participants were fantastic. ACI Slovenia proves that the presently difficult Corona times do not separate, but can also successfully unite. ACI Slovenia remains very much optimistic and is already gathering its forces aimed towards the preparation of new live events.

Urška Smolnikar
ACI Slovenia, Vice President